Statement from Niagara County Legislature Chairman Becky Wydysh on the Passing of Local Second Amendment Rights Leader Ed Pettitt

“It is with a very heavy heart that I learned of the passing of our good friend Ed Pettitt last night.  Ed was a champion for our Second Amendment rights as leaderEd Pettitt1 of the Second Amendment Forever (SAFE) organization and an instrumental voice in helping the county form a Gun Owners’ Rights Advisory Panel.  He always stood up for the rights of farmers and the need to protect our agricultural industry.  And he believed that government closest to the people was most accountable as he fought to restore the proper balance between state and local governments.  Strong in his beliefs, Ed was not a partisan individual, but rather sought to work with people of all political stripes in a congenial manner to advance issues near and dear to him.  And perhaps above all else, he was a good friend to so many across all of Niagara County.  On behalf of the Niagara County Legislature, we extend our deepest condolences to his family.  Rest in peace, Ed.  Your legacy will carry on.”