Legislature Recognizes Niagara County Resident for Documentary Iron Will: Veterans Battle with PTSD

Niagara County Legislator Dave Godfrey presented a proclamation to Rob Moore, owner of Gideon Entertainment that will be releasing Iron Will: Veterans' BattleIron will.11.3.23 With PTSD nationwide on November 8.  Mr. Moore is a resident of the Town of Cambria.

The release of Iron Will: Veterans Battle With PTSD will support two life-changing causes that aid veterans and their families in their challenges post-war:

Pawsitive for Heroes:  Providing “PTS” service dogs for all veterans in need, trained specifically for their owner’s needs and to be of everyday hope and support.

Tunnel to Towers Foundation: Working to eradicate homelessness by providing housing and services to veterans who are homeless across America.

Iron Will is also spearheading the “Drop the D” campaign to highlight the veterans do not suffer from a disorder, but rather post-traumatic stress is something that happened to them as result of fighting in a war.  Learn more at https://ironwillmovie.com/