Exercise Sites

Looking for Ways to Be More Active?

The Office for the Aging offers a free exercise program at nutrition sites- Club 99

Club 99

Several nutrition lunch sites currently provide a leader to teach the Club 99 resistance band exercise techniques to seniors age 60 and older. Pledge to live to age 99. We can help. With Club 99, you can change the way you look and feel. Get stronger and live longer. Resistance exercise is so important for the senior population. By building more muscle and maintaining your current muscle mass, you can prevent falls, injuries and broken bones. When you exercise, your body is more flexible and does not get stiff. "If you don use it, you lose it." Having more muscle mass also helps maintain your bone integrity, helping fight against bone loss. Keeping active relieves aches and pains caused by inactivity or arthritis. Exercise is good for your mind and body; it gives you more energy. Participants exercise before or after the lunch program on certain days. Club 99 Locations are listed below. The only expense to you is that the resistance band costs $2.00.

Club 99 - Resistance Exercise Program

Contact the office (716) 438-4031 for details.